Monday, March 3, 2008

Life as a Secretary

Yesterday I had a meeting with a member of the bishopric. I could only guess what it was for. My conclusion was that they were calling me to a different position within the ward. The YW presidency has only been in for about 2 years so I thought it was too soon to be releasing everyone. I spent the morning making a mental list of callings that I'd love to have - and ones that I'd rather say no to. Much to my surprise, they released me from Secretary, and re-asked me to be the new secretary to a different YW Presidency. That was a little weird, but easy to say yes to. A little part of me was sort of bummed that it wasn't something new, but being the YW secretary works for me.

Denise mentioned that I was the eternal secretary. I hadn't really thought about that before, but the last calling I has was the secretary in the RS. And, not only am I a secretary at church, I also do it for a living - although it has a more glamorous title of Executive Assistant. I guess the Lord has decided to put my professional accomplishments to work in the church. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be learning or accomplishing as the secretary, but it's obvious that there is SOMETHING that I'm supposed to be learning. Otherwise, I wouldn't still be here being secretarial.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Wow, I was so surprised to see you had posted. I'd given up on you so I rarely check back these days. Yeah, I know you guys will be the greatest new presidency, have so much fun!