I've been on a
sabbatical from the blog for at least a month as you can see by the dates on my last post. I have to apologize to those of you who check up on this blog to see what's happening in the Hawkins' family. I realized the other day that my blogging ability is closely tied to how much free time I have at work. Much to the dismay of my blog, I haven't had my normal down time to surf the
internet, post on the blog or look up random information. Today, however, I have a few minutes.
So, what's been going on lately? Well,
Halle has been waking up multiple times in the night. Why is it so much harder to deal with it now than when she was a newborn? The bags under my eyes have never been bigger. Is it that I just turned 29 or that I'm not getting
enough beauty sleep? Probably both. The last 2 nights she's slept the WHOLE night and I feel like a new woman. It's amazing what a full nights sleep can do for a person.
Halle is saying lots of fun words now. She copies us if the word is easy enough. Yesterday she was wearing a shirt with a cherry on it and I said "Can you say cherry?" and she did! The cute little learning to talk
pronunciation is so endearing, it's impossible for my heart not to jump with joy over the little milestones. One of my favorite accomplishments as of late is finally understanding the yes/no difference. I love to ask a question and get a forward head nod, rather than the side to side head shake for no. It's definitely a communication breakthrough!
As for news about me, I'm back on the exercise bandwagon. The month of February wasn't good to my physic, so I'm refreshing my
commitment to exercise at least every other day. I had to dust off the old treadmill. I've been invited to participate with a group of 12 women in a relay race called the Wasatch Back in June, but I've been putting off committing because I'm not sure I can be ready to run 8 miles by June 20. But, people keep telling me it's achievable if I set the goal now and work on it consistently. Running on a relay is a lot of pressure, so I'm sure if I
commit I will find the will to train for it. I am going to run a 5k on March 15 called the Leprechaun Lope. I'm sure I can finish that little goal. In the mean time, I just better hit the treadmill as often as I can whether i'm sleep deprived or not!